"Rising to their feet, hundreds of worshippers cheered as the pastor linked the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama to Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr. and biblical history." (emphasis mine)
Biblical history? Maybe they're referring to the Book of Revelations where it seems that One will come to run a new world order? A one-world government? One who will gain the trust of all? I don't think the writers at the Freep wanted to go there, but anyway...
"Barack Obama does not have the power to change all that is wrong or fix all that is broken in the world today," the Rev. Marshall Dunlap said during services at Redeemer United Methodist Church in Harper Woods. "But he has already shown that he has the ability to inspire millions and to give hope. He has already said thousands of times 'Yes we can.' And people are beginning to believe him."
'Yes we can?' That's it? The guy channels Bob the Builder and millions follow? Don't these preachers know that earthly hope is fleeting? That we should instead have hope in Christ alone? Note the reference above to the 'world,' not just the U.S. Inspiring millions is not a bad thing at all, but inspiring them to what? The consigning Roe v Wade into Law with the FOCA? The wholesale slaughter of all unborn for any or no reason whatsoever? Union thuggery through card check? More affirmative action giving out burdens and benefits based on one's race and not the content of their character? More indoctrination in our public schools (as if they can possibly stuff in any more)?
"People were willing to think outside the box, to let go of their old patterns, to let go of the historical prejudices of generations to move out of their old ways of thinking," Barrette said.
So once again, the canard has been rolled out that we are all latent racists. And have been for 'generations.' I think Rev. Barrette needs to come to the realization that this election had roughly the same number of people voting as 2004. that Obama didn't win because millions more came to the voting booth, but that millions stayed home. The reason? John McCain. I myself voted, but I pulled the trigger for Palin via McCain (in spite of him, not because of him. And I held my nose). Many Republicans chose to stay home rather than hold their noses and pull the lever as I did. More:
"Ken Johnson, 40, of Birmingham said Obama's campaign touched people on a spiritual level in tough economic times because of the "amount of faith it's given to people."
On a 'spiritual level?' these people need to get a grip and realize that it's a mental level, not a spiritual one. Those that are not exposed to the 'spiritual' often get it confused with mental. How many Hollywood actors and actresses mistake mental experiences for spiritual (Madonna and yoga, Sharon Stone and her 'negative space,' etc. ad infinitum). What these actor/actresses are experiencing is the first sign of mental discipline. You go to the gym. You get a workout. Start eating correctly. Get off the drugs (maybe not). All of the sudden, after only a short time, clarity of thought comes in. Maybe for the first time in years, if ever. This is not spiritual. This is mental. These morally bankrupt Hollywood types always get the spiritual confused with their own desires. Pretty soon, they'll be telling us that the housing collapse was caused by God to get Obama elected. Or morally bankrupt politicians who proclaim the invisible, non-existent separation of church and state and then make dumb statements like this and this.
Anyway, getting a bit off-topic here. How is it that parishioners of any supposedly Christian church get touched 'spiritually' by a politician's campaign? A politician who voted against the "Infant Born Alive Act," by the way.
"People are really into this," said Sharon Lonskey, 66, of Clinton Township, a
church member. "And hopeful of change."
Change can be good and it can be bad. On average, it will be bad (dictated by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics).
I have always been puzzled by the black church and it's steadfast support for democrats even though the principles that democrats espouse (abortion of the Innocent unborn, but no death penalty for the guilty, handing out burdens and benefits based on race, ethnicity, gender, limits on personal freedom and liberty, etc.) are diametrically opposed to what is clearly stated in the Bible. What will these people say when their time comes and God asks them, in the presence of 50 million+ aborted souls, "why have you countenanced this?" What will be their answer? I thought the economy would be better? It was better for me at the time? I just wanted to help people? (didn't help the 50 million - the 'little guy' if you will) Narrow is the path to salvation indeed.