Well, I've got an answer to that question: work on the arms, Barack. They're looking a bit thin and effeminate. Take a look at the picture near the bottom. I don't see chiseled abs. In fact, all I can make out is the outside boundary of the rectus abdominus muscle (no visible individual abdominal muscles). Barely. (granted it's better than the 'average' American, but that ain't sayin' much, is it now?) If you saw a pic of the arms by themselves, you'd be hard-pressed to know whether they belonged to a man or a woman. If this pic of Obama is the epitome of a masculine physique, I'm just going to have to say "no thanks."
Now, if I remember correctly, didn't the MSM everywhere blast W for working out so much? Why yes. Yes they did. From that LA Times article:
"Am I the only person who finds this (W's exercise program) disturbing? ...What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy."
Really? I'm still waiting for the LA Times to write a followup about Obama (crickets chirping. Somewhere in the distance a dog barks. Etc.). More on this here (HT: MM) . ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) at it's best (the guy really can do no wrong!). So I guess the moral of this story is, if you're going to be fit, make sure to be a democrat. More:
"Since the election in November, he has continued to work out with an intensity that betrays almost an addiction. "
I guess no creepiness there, eh MSM? Obsession in the Bush article (bad), addiction here (good). It should be noted that they probably shouldn't use the word 'addiction' with a guy that was using cocaine and other drugs for an extended time, but I digress.
""He's definitely well-toned and you only get that through resistance training when you work at between 65 and 75 per cent of your maximum heart rate," Ransom says"
I can't help critiquing faults in knowledge, so here is just one: note to Ransom - resistance training is done to increase muscular protein synthesis, not increase heart rate. In fact, heart rate (HR) is important mostly in cardiovascular exercise, not in lifting weights. In weights, it's load (have to increase weight you lift over time), time under tension (TUT), volume (how many sets, reps), and frequency (how often each body part is worked). That's the basics. No HR fluff. That, coupled with a diet rich in protein, does the body good.
In any case, the article goes on:
"Dr Michael Roizen, an American doctor who has assessed the medical records of presidents as far back as Theodore Roosevelt, believes one year in the White House equals two in the rest of the world when it comes to stress."
When did Obama release his medical records? I thought he just released a 1-page summary? Where's the MSM on this? Where have they been (if anyone should ever pry their heads out of Obama's behind, maybe someone can ask them)? Here's where they've been:
"No presidential candidate should get to the point that he has locked up his
party’s nomination without public vetting of his health," wrote the
NYT (questioning McCain's health)
No comparable statement on Obama. Anywhere in the MSM. Only conservative blogs and talkshows (that are under threat of censure from the FCC via the un'fairness doctine').
One final shot:
"Obama is in a different league to the tennis-playing Tony Blair, and he makes
Vladimir Putin's bare-chested fishing shots look embarrassing. "
So let's see the frontal comparison:

Honestly, Obama is looking a bit puny to me. Especially in the lanky, thin arms (leg conditioning unknown for either). Both have moobs, and an equivalent body fat percentage (about 18% I'd say, albeit it's hard to tell from only a single picture as individual vs vary in where their major fat stores reside). Putin has 10 years on Obama. So I have to give the edge to Vlad from the KGB. How is this comparison embarrassing for Putin?