Yesterday, on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, abortion supporters expected Obama to issue an executive order reversing the Mexico City policy imposed by George Bush prohibiting American aid dollars for international abortions. Obama demurred, perhaps wishing to avoid the media scrutiny that would attend such a move on Roe’s anniversary. Instead, Obama will quietly sign the new EO today, away from the media spotlight.This will likely be totally ignored by the MSM. So sad... Hope and change??? Maybe BO needs to see the video in my prior post above.
UPDATE: A good essay of a personal experience from a dad here. (HT: The Anchoress)
UPDATE#2: More from The Anchoress: "Some argument about whether or not Barack Obama served the culture of Death on his first day in office. Yes, of course he did, but it got barely a mention. Buried deep in the news reports." Just as I predicted earlier today.