"An American education professor, one of the founders of a radical 1960s group known as the Weather Underground, which was responsible for a number of bombings in the United States in the early 1970s, was turned back at the Canadian border last night.
Dr. William Ayers, a professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago and a leader in educational reform, was scheduled to speak at the Centre for Urban Schooling at University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. But that appearance has now been temporarily cancelled."
Said Mr. Ayers: "If it were me I would have let me in. I couldn't possibly be a threat to Canada." Cry me a river.
"Well no one knows that for sure, Mr. Ayers. I mean it was you who said you wish you'd done more when you were a terrorist. Who knows what's banging around your head these days? You may be unhappy with the way Canadians say "about" and want to demonstrate, in an explosive way, that such pronunciations are no longer
acceptable. You are an education professor who has been know to bomb things, after all."
How has anyone in their right mind let this guy into education? He's likely done more damage this way than when he blew things up...