"Today is a great day...to be a liberal, to be a Democrat, and to be naive. Barack Obama is one of the least accomplished men, perhaps even the least accomplished man ever to become President of the United States. He did nothing of note as a community organizer, nothing of note in the Illinois State Senate, nothing of note in the Senate, and despite that, his next stop is the White House.
Given the adulation the media has heaped upon Obama and the "I'm everything to everybody" campaign that he ran, you'd have to expect him to be popular. But, the American people have been gripped by an almost irrational exuberance about Obama's presidency. It has been so over-the-top that it's reminiscent of the post-WW1 phase of history where people actually believed the hype about having just fought the war to end all wars.
Today, instead of understanding that we have an untested President taking over the controls of a lumbering, inefficient, unreasoning beast governed by its unquenchable appetite for power and taxpayer money, you'd think that Superman had just flown own from Krypton to save us all."
Read the whole thing. But John is absolutely correct.