"With a rapid rise accompanied by a generous helping of mainstream media fawning, it was only a matter of time before broadcast rookie Rachel Maddow began to trip over her own words. Isn't that how this kind of story always plays out?" ... "Maddow reportedly told hacks and flaks at a Television Critics Association gathering she's
"never seen a show on Fox at any time, ever." ... "Isn't that a funny thing: just six months ago, before her debut as full-time MSNBC host, Maddow was pitching her services to the FOX News Channel, ...""Earlier that same day, Air America Radio announced they were moving her talk show to mornings and cutting it to just one hour, raising speculation that it may be taped, given her evening MSNBC work and peculiar fear of taking live callers." ..."Finally, an overzealous producer also got Rachel into hot water, thanks to an embarrassing display at the site of last week's USAir crash into the Hudson River. Just as shaken, freezing passengers were being pulled from the frigid waters, they were solicited for appearances on Maddow's MSNBC program:..."
Major ouchie there! That's just gotta be downright embarrassing, albeit liberals tend to be embarrassed by nothing, but anyway... There's more, but you'll have to hit the link to read the entire thing.