Also known to many of us here in MI as the 'Ivory Tower,' where average liberal writers try their darndest to form public opinion rather than just report the news. Evrery. Single. Day. Without further ado, here are headlines from the Freep this morning:
Detroit students might not see history. They would see history if the DPS would teach them how to read, write and do math. Wouldn't THAT be something to witness?!?!
King's struggles, Obama's ascent fill sermons. "You can kill the dreamer, but another one will rise in his place..." And you can kill an unborn child, but... ...oh never mind. When did the party that opposed civil rights and fought to keep segregation in place as well as slavery (democrats) get front-and-center at pulpits? It's also ironic that they mention MLK Jr., who once said "Judge People by Their Character, Not Skin Color." Isn't Barack Obama, and the democrat party in whole, opposed to this since they support affirmative action which judges people based on color and not by their character?
Parents check out cars of their kids' dreams. I hate to break it to the writer, but the cars of kids dreams are not typically VW beetles. They are big. And fast. And if they had their druthers, they would fly to other planets. Instantly!
If the once lowly Cardinals can rise up from despair, why can't the Lions? I wrote about this yesterday, but I've got a 2-word answer for 'em. Kurt. Warner.
How the Lions went 0-16. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then the freep just said 48,000 of them that we do not need to hear. Do we need any more reminders? Can we just enjoy the SuperBowl? Please?
Do the safe thing and hang up. They really need to change the 'hang up' thing. Does anyone 'hang up' a cellphone? Aren't home phones mostly wireless now anyway? And while we're on the topic of talking on a cellphone while driving, how is talking on a handsfree cell call different than talking to a buddy next to you? Maybe this is Michigan's way to get us out of deficit spending. Heavy fines for everyone (they wouldn't ticket us just to raise revenue, would they?)! Woohoo! And while we're at it, we're going to outright ban talking of any kind while driving. Even to yourself. Mouth moves, you get a ticket. Would this be a "zip-it or ticket" campaign?
Biden’s role straddling foreign policy, domestic issues. I think his real role will be straddling a chair in an undisclosed location with duct tape over his big mouth. For the next 4 years.
Obama Hustlers head to D.C. Hmmm. I didn't think the'd mention ACORN. (hint: they didn't!)
Lawyer deficits taxing courts in Macomb County. The operative sentence: "The underlying cause of the problem is a familiar story: budget woes." Maybe they can learn from their neighbor?
Michigan man to help Iraqis plan local government. How would that convo go? To the Iraquis: "Spend more money than you have. Raise taxes. Rinse. Repeat. Be like us in Michigan."
Hundreds bid Stooges guitarist farewell. Which one played a guitar? Larry, Curly, Moe?