Monday, January 12, 2009

What Hath Big Government Wrought?

From Mish via polipundit:

"It was big government that brought us Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
It was big government that sponsored the war in Vietnam and the war in Iraq.
It was big government that gave us nightmare problems we face with Medicaid and Medicare.
It was big government that gave us overlapping hundred billion dollar systems in the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
It is big government that sponsored 10's of thousands of pork barrel projects and bridges to nowhere.
It is big government that gave us the Davis Bacon Act and the insanity pf prevailing wages.
It was big government sponsorship of the rating agencies that created the "AAA" rated securities that went to zero.
It was big government that took us off the gold standard and illegally confiscated citizen's money.
It was big government that allowed fractional reserve lending and theft by inflation this is the root cause of a shrinking middle class today.

It was big government that created the Fed, and it was the Greenspan Fed that blew serial bubble after bubble culminating in the housing crash we are in today.

Big government either created or made worse every problem we have today. Yet Time Magazine and free lunch proponents like Krugman propose an even bigger government is necessary to fix the enormous problems of an already too big government.

Obama for his part, is listening to this madness. If that does not scare you, nothing will."