CNN video: fistfights at Chuck E Cheese. Not the kids. The so-called adults. The Wall Street Journal article referenced in this piece can be found here. Maybe they're mad because of the money they had to spend on bad food, which is the #1 reason I don't take my kids there. Whatever the case may be, there is no excuse for adults to act like juveniles just because they are in a place that caters to juveniles. And it's not just Chuck E Cheese. Go to a t-ball game these days and observe the parents. If you have the intestinal fortitude, go to a kids hockey game. I've seen some of the worst at hockey games from adults that appear normal outside the arena housing the rinks. Could all this be an indication of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics corrosive effect on a society?
UPDATE: another societal decline incident here. Sad.