Friday, January 16, 2009

'So help me God' cleared for next week's inaugural oath

Well, that's good! From the freep (via the AP). Some people just want to spend as much time as possible sticking their finger in God's eye (and His followers). "U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton turned down a request from a group of atheists and agnostics to force Chief Justice John Roberts not to add those words to the 35-word inaugural oath outlined in the Constitution. "

The first president to utter such words? George Washington. I'm pretty sure these atheist busybodies would think every speech that Washington and our founding fathers made were unconstitutional. What happened to 'inalienable rights' we were endowed with by our Creator? Is the Decleration of Independence now uncostitutional as well? (and wasn't the Constitution itself dated "in the year of our Lord?")