Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why Homeschooling Will Continue To Grow

Dr. Melissa Clouthier writes in this article "U.S. News reports that homeschooling is increasing overall but the percent of evangelicals homeschooling is declining..." And "I homeschooled last year and put my kids back in school this year. Despite my worries, they were two years ahead academically. The biggest problem with public school is curriculum. Far too much time is spent on tangential silliness."

I agree. The junk they throw at kids these days is beyond the pale. Instead of math, they write about how they feel about math. Social studies has been entirely replaced with propoganda. Check out a youtube video on the state of mathematics here.

Of course, none of this would be happening if we had school choice. Bad schools would die. Good schools would thrive. And I'm positive this junk would not form the basis of the curriculum. Of course, that will not happen anytime soon as too many politicians are bought and paid for by school unions whose only interest is permajobs for their membership regardless of competency. How do you think a government run Home Depot would function if you had to shop there based on where you live? Or the local grocery store? Want to shop somewhere else? No soup for you!