Friday, January 16, 2009

Gays and Atheists Joined at the Lip

That's the title of a good post by Burt Prelutsky over at Townhall. "Recently, I noticed a similarity between atheists and homosexuals that hadn’t occurred to me before. It has to do with the way they wage their wars. Basically, they erect straw men, put words in their straw mouths, and then engage in battle with these creatures they’ve cobbled together with spit and glue.
It just seems to me that it’s high time we began setting the record straight."

"Whenever atheists blame religion for causing most of the world’s mass murders, they merely prove that they’re not only bigots, but ignoramuses. While nobody knows exactly how many millions of innocent people have been butchered in the past 90 years, we do know that the vast majority died at the hands of Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot, atheists all.

The only exceptions to that rule, of course, are those who have been gassed, beheaded and blown up, by the Muslim faithful. And yet Islam, interestingly enough, is the one religion that doesn’t seem to enrage atheists! Could the reason possibly be that, for all their huffing and puffing about how awful all religions are, even the atheists understand that Jewish and Christian martyrs will die for their beliefs, whereas Islamics will kill you for theirs? "

Darned good points. Especially the Muslim angle. How is it in California that gay activists are harassing Mormons and their temples for voting for Pop8, but not mosques? Or that Comedy Central will censor an image of Muhammed on South Park while, in the exact same episode, show Jesus defecated on. It's the same hypocrisy through and through. In any case, read the whole thing.