Sunday, January 25, 2009
Mitch Albom: The worst lies of all? The ones you expect
I saw this article on the freep this morning. Mitch's thesis? "I think we've become a country that believes that. We accept business lies. We almost expect them. " Ironic, but not surprising, that Mitch blames the business community for lying, while he, at the same time, works for the Detroit Free Press which itself spews liberal lies on a daily basis. Of course, Mitch doesn't see his own hypocrisy in this. Must be nice to lie within the liberal cocoon/echo chamber and sprain your elbow patting yourself on the back in self-congratulation for the lies of business that you are complicit in. I've mentioned Mitch's liberal bias before (here and here are two examples) in both his columns and his talk radio program. If Mitch wants to see the worst lies of all, he should stick to reading the pages of the Free Press, which has long abandoned objective journalism (reporting the news) to their most recent objective: forming public opinion. Mitch is correct about one thing - I've accepted long ago that the Free Press lies. And I expect it.
media bias,
Mitch Albom